
Flu Disease

Influenza, or more commonly known as flu, is a very easy type of disease transmission. Flu is caused by viruses that enter the respiratory system. When the virus enters the human body, the virus has the opportunity to breed in it. Transmission can occur during coughing, sneezing, or talking. Through granular fluid saliva or mucus, the virus will quickly spread. If the condition of your body in a state of less healthy, the virus will easily fit into your body. 

The spread of the flu virus is very easy, for example, if you sneeze or cough and then touch your nose and mouth, the virus will stick in your hand. After that you hold the handle of the door, then another person holding the door handle that you hold, then the virus will be able to stick to the hands of others. Another example is when you sneeze or cough, hands over nose and mouth, the virus directly into the body through the respiratory tract. 

Flu not only suffered by humans, but animals can also have a cold. flu virus in animals may mutate so that it can create new types of flu viruses, for example, bird flu and swine flu. This virus is a new virus and not easily countered only by the immune system itself. You should know that the flu virus in animals is more dangerous because it can cause death. 

From the description above, we can conclude that we should not underestimate the flu virus. We must be vigilant and always maintain personal hygiene to prevent various diseases. Proverb says, "Prevention is better than cure".


Finger Nail Biting

When a person feels anxiety, stress, and even starve, they often make bad habits. The bad habit is biting nails. This habit is often done by women. You should know that the habit of biting nails can damage the nails, also can endanger the health of your body.

You should know that germs, bacteria and viruses under the surface of the nail can be harmful to our bodies. If you often bite a nail, germs, bacteria and viruses will get into your mouth. Terrible effects of nail biting habit is a gum infection. When the nails bitten and ripped the skin on the fingertips will bleed, it will provide an opportunity for microbes and viruses enter the body.

How to avoid bad habits biting your nails?

1. Allow time to care for and maintain your nails. This can reduce the bad habit.
2. Replace the bad habit of biting the fingernails with a positive and beneficial activity for yourself, for example, write, draw, etc.
3. Nail biting is usually influenced by emotions. Therefore, try to solve every problem in your mind.
4. Using artificial nails can reduce the habit of nail biting, but you should always keep your artificial nails to avoid germs because artificial nails are more susceptible to germs than the original nail.

From the above, only a small effort to avoid or reduce the nail biting habit. If the habit of biting the fingernails is often done, you may have to need a psychologist to provide support and advice so that you can reduce your nail biting habit. But the most important of it is the strong intention to stop biting a fingernail.


What's Hidden Danger Behind Nails

Are you sure your nails clean from germs, bacteria and viruses? After doing various activities each day, the hands always in contact with the object that you might think it's clean. But not all things you touch 100% clean from germs, viruses, and bacteria. Germs, viruses, and bacteria can stick in between the nail, without realizing it we have dirty fingernails. If so, what the facts behind our nails? Here's the explanation:
1.       Gap nails are very susceptible to various diseases caused by germs, bacteria and viruses. Research shows frequent diarrhea disease caused by bacteria lodged in the crack nails, you should clean your hands not only the surface of the hand, but behind the nails should also be cleaned.
2.       If you use artificial nails, pay attention to how to treat them, because according to experts, artificial nails contain more bacteria. Artificial nails look more germs than the original nail. After using Artificial nails, clean using a brush and warm water.
3.       In a hospital, which often must be cleaned is the nail of the paramedics. They always interact with patients who have various illnesses. Make sure you see them clean hands or wear gloves.
4.       Results showed that men have more dirty fingernails than women's. Make sure that your partner is always cleaning his fingernails.
5.       When you cut your nails, make sure your nail clippers free of germs. This is because bacteria and germs will be more after the nail is cut. Keep your nail clippers in a clean place, and always brush your nails regularly.